This TOOL Changed How We Groom Aussies
Australian Shepherds have special fur coats. It is amazing how these pelts protect their bodies from the elements. Whether we think so or not, dog sweaters are all but unnecessary. Before you take your Aussie to be groomed, make sure you notify the groomer of their double coat! In general, we avoid professional grooming services, as those facilities may consider using an electric shaver, which will harm the roots of their hair. We perform our own grooming processes, right here at home! It has saved us a lot of money. There are plenty of online resources on how to properly groom your Australian Shepherd. We keep their skirt, matted hair, and paws trimmed using standard hair trimming scissors.
Use an UNDERCOAT RAKE to control their shedding and improve their grooming health! This tool has been one that has aided our parents as they loose and gain their winter/spring coats. Rake your Aussie’s fur at least once per week. We recommend doing this outside, as the tufts of hair go alllllll over the place. Pick one up HERE from Amazon!