How To Build An Emergency Puppy First Aid Kit
Accidents Happen
As much as we wish against them, accidents do happen from time to time, and the world can be a relatively unpredictable place, especially for your new puppy! Our puppy health drawer is always fully stocked with miscellaneous supplies and medicines. We also keep a first aid supply kit of items handy when we travel away from home-base.
Essential Medications & Supplements
We keep several key medicines and supplements handy. Always consult your personal veterinarian before using any sort of at-home medical treatment on your pet. Before we get into some of our go-tos, we want to emphasize that human Ibuprofen and Aspirin are not considered safe for canine pain relief. Benadryl(Diphenhydramine) has earned a place in our Go-Bag to serve against any sort of allergic reactions that your dog may be experiencing. We also use Diphenhydramine to help ease our dogs anxiety, should they experience it. As always, monitor your pup closely after giving any medication. Naproxen is an active ingredient that works well as a pain killer. You can find this on Amazon, here! We also keep on hand XX, an anti-inflammatory and hemoglobin assister. A little goes a long way. We also keep these wonderful CBD Hemp Treats on hand to assist with emotional trauma, if we sense this is the case.
Other Essential Items & Tools
We use Chlorhexidine Sprays to cleanse any woulds that we may come across while out in the field. A gallon of distilled purified water is also super helpful to have on hand to wash wounds and keep your dogs hydrated. If you come across an accident where your dog has been injured in some way, the best thing you can do to aid their recovery is to keep them very hydrated. We also include some standard items like gauze, medical tape, splints, cleansing wipes, scissors, tweezers, paper towels, and a thin tooth comb. One of the biggest recommendations that we can make is to put together a kit that makes the most sense for your family.